sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014

Passive radiators

All concepts i learn about passive radiators

-From Fs and Vas you can calculate Cone mass

-Cone area is just pi * diameter^2 / 4
for diameter use half of the surround width.

-The easiest way to design a PR box is to design a ported box with a port the same diameter as the PR, your program will spit out a port length. Add about 3/4 of a port diameter to this length, then calculate the mass of the air in this port. Subtract from this mass the mass of the PR cone and you have the amount of mass you must add.

-A passive radiator can be achieved through a cheap driver that meets your needs, not connected to anything, and the tuning can be made via adding mass to the cone or via a potenciometer between the two leads of the driver thus making a resistive brake(experiment with potenciometer position for ideal tuning).


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